Friday, May 11, 2007

Trying New Things

Hello Everyone!!!
I have been regaining my strength and energy over the past several days and am feeling much better. One of Janna's friends (Jen, from Maine)sent me a nice care package providing me with the instructions and tools to knit a scarf. So, yesterday I began trying to learn how to knit. It didn't go so hot yesterday, as I have never tried knitting before. However, after a video google search (at Kelly's suggestion), I have started to learn the basics and am now on my way to knitting a skinny scarf. It is actually quite fun!!
Christian and I joined Sandra and Sohel yesterday evening to watch their brother Adel's soccer game. Annandale tied Lake Braddock in overtime!
It was a great game to watch and Adel had an awesome game.
My plan is to work a couple of half days next week. I'm really looking forward to going into work.
My parents are picking Cory up from college today. It will be nice to have him around for the summer!!
I will probably be returning to the hospital sometime during the week after next to begin Round 4, but I don't have a set date yet.
Take care!!!


Mary said...

Tracy and I are here together checking the site, and so excited to see you're learning to knit! Tracy wants her sweater to be blue, I would like a red one please!
Love you,
Tracy & Mary

Karen said...

That is great you found a new hobby! Glad you get to go back to work soon, thanks for the update.
Karen & Nate

Unknown said...

Hi Erica, It's your buddy Mark from Team Switzer! LOL glad to not only hear, but see that you are doing better. You look great in your most recent pictures! Check this out...the Saturday group now meets on Sundays to run at 10:00AM and have grown from a group of 5 to a group of 15...I thought that was strange considering we had such a small Sunday group. Anyway, you and your family are in my prayers...take care and I'll check back on you soon.

DeeBananas said...

Hey, Erica!

Glad to read you're learning new things! :) I taught myself to knit in November, and it's so much fun. It's nice to be able to do something and see some results. :) Maybe we can knit together sometime soon...maybe even start a knitting club (we'll rope Janna into it too). ;)~


Team Erica to Run/Walk with Melanoma International Foundation

A smaller Team Erica will head to Villanova, PA for Melanoma International Foundation's (MIF) Safe in the Sun Walk & 5K Run on April 5, 2009.

MIF will also honor Erica by rewarding the top female finisher with an award in Erica's name. Team Erica will be on hand to congratulate the winner.

Anyone is welcome to join Team Erica. For more information, visit:

Team Erica

Congratulations Team Run for Erica!

Team Run for Erica completed the Baltimore Relay Marathon on Saturday, October 11th. The team raised over $1000 for both melanoma organizations (Melanoma International Foundation and Melanoma Research Foundation).

Thank you Team Run for Erica on an awesome race and thank you to those who donated. Below are a few pictures of the team in action!

Team Run for Erica (minus Omar)

Omar getting ready to run

Mary, Chandra and Liz finish their 6 miles

Star and Christian run for the crowd

Tony and Jaime waving to the crowd

Team Run for Erica after the marathon (minus Jenny and Jaime)

Team Erica to run Baltimore Relay Marathon, October 11th

In Memory of Erica....

Baltimore Relay Marathon
Saturday, October 11, 2008, 8:00 AM

Team Erica relay runners: Christian, Chandra, Jason, Kelly, Jim, Liz, Tony, Mary, Jason, Jenny, Jaime, Omar, and Star are training together Sunday mornings.

What can you do?

Support the team members with lots of encouragement
Make a pledge to a runner or the whole team (donations will be sent to the Melanoma International Foundation)
Go to Baltimore on October 11 to cheer the team on.

Watch the blog for more information to come!!

Erica's Tree @ Upton Hill

Erica's Tree @ Upton Hill
Look how Erica's tree is growing and blooming!

Upton Hill Memorial to Erica

Upton Hill Memorial to Erica
Erica's crepe myrtle tree by the batting cages at Upton Hill Regional Park, Arlington, VA

Plaque dedicating tree in Erica's memory

Plaque dedicating the tree in Erica's memory

A week before admission to Hospice

A week before admission to Hospice
What a beautiful smile!

March 26: Liz, Star, Chandra, Erica and Kelly

March 26: Star, Chandra and Erica

March 12-13: Erica and Christian...check out those smiles!

With Uncle David

Dad, Mom, Erica, Megan, Heather, Chase and Uncle Bill