Sunday, December 16, 2007

Holiday Rush

It's now the middle of December and the Holiday Rush is here. I can't say that I've been rushing around...I've mostly been at home resting and recovering and trying to find things I can eat without too much trouble. I am getting better, but recovery is slow...I continue to have a lot of fatigue.
I am off pain medication except for the occasional advil or tylenol and am pretty comfortable most of the time.
Christian and I were finally able to decorate our Christmas Tree this weekend, so we're now getting into the holiday spirit.
I'm hoping to be able to venture out and do a little bit more this week. I do have several doctor's appointments, including the follow up with my surgeon on Wednesday. I am starting to get a little stir crazy from being at home so much.
Thanks for all of the encouraging messages!!! As always, they are very touching and help to keep me going.
Take care!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Healing at Home

Hello Everyone!!! Happy December. Wow, November came and went very quickly. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Though I was in the hospital and only allowed ice chips, it was one of the nicest, most relaxing holidays I've had. It was so nice to be able to spend it with my family.
I am home recovering, and really doing quite well. My pain is manageable with medication and I am relatively comfortable. I am sleeping well (much better than after my liver surgery). Eating was very difficult at first, but I seem to be doing better. I am taking enzymes whenever I eat to help my system break down and digest the food. I am eating small, low fat and bland meals, and am beginning to tolerate more foods now.
Thanks for keeping up with my blog while I was in the hospital. My sister was great to continue posting the updates and my parents printed out your comments so I could read them. As always, they provided me with encouragement and support that helped me to get through the past 2 weeks.
My surgeon was very pleased with how the surgery went. He was able to remove the entire tumor from my pancreas and felt confident that the borders left were free of malignant cells. I will return to see my surgeon on December 19th for my 4 week follow up appointment. After my recovery from this surgery, I will continue with 3 month check ups and CT scans. I am now entering a new phase which is both exciting and a little scary...
Thank you for your support and helps me more than you know.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

At Home Resting

Erica was discharged this morning and is home resting. The car ride tired her out, but I am sure she will be up and walking soon.


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Recovery Continues

Erica continues to recover from the surgery, resting, walking and regaining her strength. She is off her clear liquid diet and was able to enjoy a delicious smoothie today!

She sends her thanks to those who were able to head up to Baltimore last weekend. Although I know she slept for some of the visits, she was very grateful as it broke up the days and the monotony of the hospital for her!

She hopes to be home by Friday. We will continue to update the blog as we know more about her being discharged.


Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Hope any of you who braved Black Friday has good luck and not too many crowds or traffic. Erica had a great Thanksgiving yesterday with her family. Cory and I went up to spend the day with her, Christian and our parents. It was a nice day of relaxing, playing cards, Uno, and walking around the 4th and 5th floors of Weinberg! On the 5th floor, Erica ran into some of the nurses who were on call during her chemo rounds. They were pretty impressed with Erica up and about and walking around after her surgery!


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Room Change

Erica has moved to the 4th floor: 4D, Room 7. She is pretty tired so is taking today to relax and get as much rest as possible. Hopefully she will be able to get up and walk around tomorrow :).


Sitting Up

I spoke with Erica this morning and she is doing well. She is a little out of breath, but the nurses had her sitting up in her chair this morning! They should be moving her out of the ICU today and I believe to the 4th floor, but as soon as I get word, will post a blog. Soon Erica will be running marathons again!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Surgery is Done!

Erica's surgery is over and went very well! Her doctor is pleased with how everything went. She is currently in recovery and will be there for a few hours before anyone can see her.

Please continue your thoughts and prayers for her as she continues to recover. It will be a few days until she can get up and about, but I am sure we will be writing she is up and walking around soon!


Monday, November 19, 2007

Ready for Surgery

Erica is back up in Baltimore awaiting the surgery on her pancreas. She and Christian left last night to miss traffic and be ready for pre-op procedures this morning. She is resting and relaxing in a hotel and will be making her way to the hospital around 5 in the morning tomorrow. Her surgery is scheduled for 7:30 AM. I believe it should last about 6 hours, so as soon as I have any updates, I will update the blog.

Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers...definitely keep those going tomorrow morning!


Friday, November 9, 2007

Here's a better view of the pictures. Enjoy...

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Pictures, pictures, pictures...

I decided to post pictures from my birthday, but apparently I'm having some trouble getting them to the right size. For some reason, most of them came out very small...if anybody has any suggestions of how to make them bigger like the rest of the pictures, let me know. I'm sorry they're so difficult to see...

Friday, November 2, 2007

Amazing Regeneration

Who new that at 9 weeks post op my liver would be fully regenerated? I had my scans done on Monday and saw my surgeon on Wednesday. I was able to take a look at my CT scan and I could see a healthy full sized liver!! Hopefully it knows to stop growing... I was also able to see the shadow on my pancreas where my tumor is. It's not very obvious, but because my surgeon saw the actual tumor, he could identify it on the scan. It appears to be about 2 cm in diameter and doesn't appear to have grown or changed since it was identified on August 28th. All of this is really good news, especially because I haven't had any treatment for the past 3 months.

I am now gearing up for surgery in 2 and a half weeks (Nov 20th). I will probably be in the hospital for 6 to 10 days following surgery. The surgery will be a Whipple procedure where they will take out the head of my pancreas (where the tumor is), part of my small intestines and part of the common bile duct. Normally the gall bladder is also removed during this procedure, but mine was already taken out in my first surgery. It's a pretty complex operation, and is expected to take around 6 hours. I won't be able to eat for several days following surgery and then it will be a slow process weening me back onto food because of the involvement of my digestive tract. Recovery after this surgery will be longer and a little tougher than after my liver surgery. I should be able to get up and walk a little the day following surgery even with all of my lines and drains.
I guess I'm ready to go ahead and get this over with, though I can't really say that I'm excited about it...

Thursday, October 25, 2007


I think I'm still on a birthday high!!!
Even though it's been gloomy and rainy here, I'm still feeling great.
I just thought I would sent out a quick note to update everyone on what's next for me.
I will be having my PET and CT scans done on Monday, October 29th, and then I will have my visit with the surgeon (Dr. Choti) and my preop appointments on Wednesday, October 31st.
My surgery is scheduled for Tuesday, November 20th. It will be a different kind of Thanksgiving for me and my family this year...besides, I think that turkey is overrated! It will probably be a day of ice chips or clear liquids for me.
In the meantime, I am managing to keep myself quite busy. I am still filling in at work and will continue to do so up until November 16th. I do get tired after working, but am usually feeling pretty good by the next day. I haven't been as good about taking my long walks, because I have to make sure I don't get too tired out before work. I'm trying to get a regular exercise regimen going for the next couple of weeks and I hope to be able to get a little upper body strengthening in.
So, that's the scoop...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Thank You!

Hi Everyone!
I think I'm still recovering from my birthday bash. I had a wonderful time and enjoyed visiting with so many of you. Thank you for making my birthday spectacular!!

I received so many wonderful cards, gifts and donations to the melanoma research foundation. I really appreciate everyone's generosity and kindness and I really enjoyed reading all of my cards. Also, I received a beautiful bathrobe from Lord & Taylor, but unfortunately I don't know who to thank. If anyone knows, please help me solve this mystery.

I also want to send out a big thanks to my dear friends and family who made this party happen. You guys are amazing!!! I am so lucky to have so many supportive, caring and awesome people in my life.

This has been one of the best birthday's of my life. I just feel so happy and so fortunate to be able to celebrate life. Thanks again to all of you who help me to keep strong and positive and for continually providing me with support, love and laughter.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Enjoying Life

I am now seven weeks post op and have been getting out and doing things. Christian and I went on a dinner cruise on Nina's Dandy along the Potomac on Sunday evening. We had a really great time. It was fun to dress up and we even did a little dancing.

I worked two days last week and am working between 5 and 7 hours on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of this week. As always, it's great to be back at work!

I am looking forward to this weekend and celebrating my birthday with so many of you. If you have not received the evite, please send me an email at and I'll send it out to you.

Take care!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

6 weeks out

Yesterday marked 6 weeks post surgery and I celebrated by working. It was my first day back since before surgery and though I was tired by the end of the day, it was great to work! I am filling in on a part time basis right now. It looks like the clinic is fairly busy, so I should be able to work a bunch of hours over the next couple of weeks.

I also began "jogging" over the weekend. I went to the high school track by my house on both Saturday and Monday mornings to do my walks. I walked for 6 laps and I was able to jog for 2 laps (not consecutively). Emotionally, it felt great to be able to jog, but physically it was very tough. My abdominal region didn't bother me, but my hips felt like I had never exercised before and my breathing was a bit heavy. I don't believe that I have ever been this deconditioned in my life. I just have to keep reminding myself that it's ok to take it slow and not to compare the shape I was in last year to the shape I'm in now.

I also wanted to mention that getting my Hickman line out last Thursday was uneventful and it's really great not to have to worry about it anymore.

Take care!


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

A New Game Plan

It's another marvelous day! I am feeling great and very encouraged after my visit with my oncologist yesterday. I am going to schedule my pancreatic surgery for the middle of November. I do not have to have any more treatments. In fact, I am completely done with the biochemotherapy combination. I didn't realize how much I was dreading this possibility until I felt such a sense of relief upon finding out I was done.

Yay for surgery! or something crazy like that. Such a bizarre world I live in these days where I'm actually excited about the prospect of yet another surgery. I will spend the next 5-6 weeks continuing to heal and hopefully getting back into work part time. I will have another PET scan and another CT scan done at the end of this month and I'll return to see my surgeon, so I can find out the specifics of this next operation.
I know that this surgery will be longer and it's more complex than liver surgery. Also, the recovery time will be longer, too. But, I guess that's what this fall and winter are for--rest and recovery!

I almost forgot to tell you about my most exciting news. I will be getting my Hickman line removed tomorrow!!! For those of you who don't know, this is an infusion line that was put in my chest in March, in order to do the biochemotherapy. I have had this line for the past 7 months...have had to cover it for every shower, keep the line pinned up to my shirt or strap every day and with the help of Christian, flush my line every night and change the dressing every week. Hopefully the removal of the line will be very uneventful. I'll let you know...
Thanks for keeping up with me!


Monday, October 1, 2007

Happy October!!

It's my favorite month of the year! I hope you are finding your fall spirit just like me. I am feeling great and am out and about like normal. I return to see my oncologist tomorrow and am hoping to gain a sense of what comes next...or better yet, a new game plan. I saw my surgeon last week and seem to be healing quite well.

I am getting ready to celebrate my birthday this month (October 21st) and am planning (with the help of my family and friends) to have a party on Saturday October 20th. I have sent out an evite, but realize I do not have everyone's email address. I am of course extending the invitation to all of you who continue to read my blog. If you have not received an evite, please send me an email and I will send it out to you. My email address is
I'll keep you posted.

Friday, September 21, 2007

On the Mend

Hello and Happy Friday.
It's a beautiful day here and I'm getting ready to go for my walk around the lake by my house (it's just under three miles with a lot of hills).
Though I'm not able to go too fast, it's gotten easier and it takes me just over an hour to finish and I feel very accomplished.
I am feeling really good and my discomfort is minimal at this point. This week has been much easier, because I've been able to get out and do more things. I have started driving it's nice not to feel like I'm stuck at home. I still have to rely on Christian to do many things for me since I'm still not supposed to do any lifting.
My Aunt and Uncle from Atlanta came up to visit for the past couple of days and we've had a really nice time. My cousin and her daughter also flew into town last night, so it will be great to spend more time visiting with family over the next couple of days. It's been great to have things to do and people to spend time with.
Have a great weekend!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Continued Healing

So far, this week has been much better than last week. Everything seems to be getting a little easier. I'm not allowed to lift anything and I have to be careful not to strain my abdominals. My right abdominal region is still sore and swollen, but the incision is healing really well. It's a strange combination of numbness and hypersensitivity around the surgical area.

I am enjoying the cooler weather. Since I am home all day long, it's nice to be able to go outside in the middle of the day without fear of being overcome by heat stroke.

I will return to see my surgeon on September 26th and then to see my oncologist on October 2nd. Hopefully we will be able to plan the next course of action then. Though my surgery was a success and they were able to do the right liver lobectomy, and remove my gall bladder, the surgeon also found a tumor on my pancreas. The surgeon did a biopsy which confirmed melanoma metastasis. Unfortunately pancreatic surgery is very complicated, so the surgeon was not able to operate on both my liver and pancreas at the same time. The hope is that I will be able to have a second surgery in a couple of months to remove the tumor from my pancreas. The surgery would be similar to a Whipple procedure that is done for pancreatic cancer. I don't know whether or not I will have any type of treatment in the meantime.
My focus now is on healing and recovering from the liver surgery so that I can be ready for whatever comes next.
Thanks for continuing to follow my progress and for all of your positive thoughts and prayers.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Back Online and Feeling Better

Hello Everyone!!!
It has been two weeks since I have posted a message and I'm finally feeling good enough to sit at the computer and write. My sister has been so great to keep you updated while I was in the hospital and recovering at home. I posted a picture to the left that my dad took while I was recovering in the ICU, the day after surgery. I was still hooked up to several lines, but must have been feeling pretty good at the time of the picture. I had already gone on my first walk earlier that morning...

I will say that recovering from abdominal surgery is no picnic, especially because I had some problems last weekend, but I am feeling much better now. As of this weekend, I am pretty much back to my normal diet, though I am trying to avoid things that are difficult to digest. Last week, it was very hard to find any position that was comfortable, but now I am much more comfortable sitting. My sleeping is improving to a couple of hours at a time. Walking feels great!! My legs feel strong and my abdominal discomfort is minimal, though I do fatigue fairly quickly when I walk (especially in this heat). This weekend I was able to venture out of the house a little more. I will say that coughing, sneezing, laughing and bumpy car rides are no fun. Squeezing a pillow seems to help keep the pain in check. I was happy to go off the heavy duty pain meds last Thursday and to transition to OTC meds (advil and tylenol).

My incision is pretty impressive. It seems to be healing really well. Instead of stitches or staples, the surgeon used glue to close it up, which I think will significantly reduce the scarring. I think that's pretty cool...

I can tell that I'm feeling better, because I am starting to get bored at home. I'm still limited as to what I can do, so it's sometimes hard to stay entertained. I had a lot of help last week from Christian, Janna, my mom, Christian's sister Sandra and stepmom Silvia. They were so wonderful to come and take care of me. As I am feeling better this week, I am definitely up for visitors...Just let me know...


Friday, September 7, 2007

Continued Recovery at Home

Erica has been slowly recovering at home this week. She is feeling better from last weekend, but still has some discomfort in her abdomin, yet each and every day the discomfort lessons a little. She has been able to take short walks around her neighborhood and hopes to be able to increase to longer ones soon. Knowing her, it will be sooner rather than later!

As always, she thanks you for the continued prayers.


Monday, September 3, 2007

Home Again

Erica was discharged from Hopkins this afternoon and is now back home resting. She hopes to be able to post something herself later this week. She sends her thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers as she continues to recover from the surgery.


Sunday, September 2, 2007

Back in Baltimore

Erica arrived home to Fairfax shortly after midnight Friday and had a very comfortable night back in her own bed. Saturday she was able to eat some food and take a nice walk outside in the early evening. Unfortunately she was having some complications later that night and early Sunday morning went to Fairfax Hospital ER. It was decided that she would go back to Johns Hopkins where she was admitted to the 4th floor. At Hopkins they will do some procedures to alleviate the problem and she should be home in a few days. We will keep you posted.


Friday, August 31, 2007

One more day

Erica is still recovering today but doing well. She far outdid record 4 laps yesterday by walking all units on both the 4th and 5th floors of the building...I think 12 laps were counted in total! She did get to eat oatmeal this morning, so was very happy to get something a little more solid in her today. She is looking forward to heading home tomorrow!


Thursday, August 30, 2007


Erica is slowly recovering from the surgery...or maybe faster than that since she walked around her unit 4 times today! She is still on the 4th floor of the Weinberg Building and on a clear liquid diet. Dinner tonight: jello, juice and tea! She will be discharged from the hospital either Friday or Saturday.


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Out of ICU

Erica was moved out of the ICU and is now on the 4th floor of the Weinberg Building.



Erica was able to get up and walk around a litte this morning. Her nurse and her mom walked with her as she pushed the wheelchair around. And she actually walked twice around the ICU where she still is at this time. Unfortunately she cannot have any food yet, but is enjoying the ice chips provided. She is comfortable and sitting up in the chairs and beds. She sends her thanks for the many thoughts and prayers as always!


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Surgery is Done

The surgery went well and she is now in recovery.


Still in Surgery

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that as of 5:30 pm, Erica is still in surgery. The nurses came to get her at 12:30 to take her back and prep her for the surgery. At 2 pm, Erica was asleep and the doctor started her surgery. As soon as I have an update, I will update the blog to let you know. Thank you again for all your thoughts and prayers for her today and as she recovers.


Monday, August 27, 2007

Getting Ready for Surgery

Happy Monday!

I am spending a quiet day at home getting ready for tomorrow. Since it's an abdominal surgery, there is some prep work involved (clearing out my system) and I am on a clear liquid diet all day today. I'm trying not to get too anxious and I'm keeping my activity pretty low key as I cannot eat anything.

My surgery is scheduled to start at 12:15pm tomorrow and should take about 4 hours. Christian and I will head up to Johns Hopkins early tomorrow, so we can be there for check in at 10:15 am. My parents are planning to meet us at the hospital tomorrow morning and my family can be with me until I go into the OR.

After surgery, I will be in intensive care overnight and then regular inpatient care through Friday when I will be discharged to home. The surgery and my subsequent hospital stay will be in the Weinberg Building of the hospital (same as during treatment).

I am nervous and anxious about tomorrow, but I am also ready to go ahead and get surgery over with. I am looking forward to recovering from this surgery and returning to some of the normal things in life.

Thanks for your continued support and prayers!!



Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Working Girl

Sorry I haven't posted in several days. I've been covering at work, which has been great!!! Usually I'll go in for 3-5 hours, which is perfect. More than that would probably be a little too tiring. My co-workers and my bosses are awesome. It's wonderful to be able to go to work at a place where you know everyone really cares about you. I love being back even if it's just for a few days.
My internet has been down at home...I think the connection is messed up because of the new windows and siding we've had done over the past several days. Hopefully we'll be able to get it working ASAP.
I have my pre-op appointment in Baltimore tomorrow, which will be a whole day affair. I'll try to send a post afterwards.
Take care and once again thanks for all of your posts and positive thoughts.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Surgery Update

It's awesome to check my blog and read all of the wonderful posts. It's amazing how reading the comments helps to give me such a strong and positive perspective on things. Thanks for keeping up with me and cheering me on. Having all of you behind me gives me the strength I need to get through each new phase!!! I want to send out a special thank you for all of the support that I have received and that I will continue to receive over the upcoming weeks!!!!

My surgery is scheduled for Tuesday August 28th (very soon)! I will have my pre-op appointment next Thursday, August 23rd. Assuming everything looks good, surgery is a go.
I have been feeling pretty much like my normal self and was thrilled to be back at work for 5 hours yesterday. I will be working a bunch next week as well. It's so nice to be able to go into work and to feel good enough to get out of the house and do normal things in life.
I'll keep you posted!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Next Step

Thanks for all of the recent posts. I had an awesome time at the beach. It was great to see all of my family. We had lots of fun!!! Everyone took care of me and wouldn't let me overdo it. It was a good mix of relaxation and activities!
I had my CT scan yesterday and saw Dr. Choti (the liver surgeon) today. It appears that the tumors have done a little shrinking since June. I also found out that I will be able to have liver surgery in September. I will call tomorrow to see about scheduling. The surgery will be a right lobectomy, which involves removing about 60% of my liver. According to the surgeon a healthy liver can regenerate in a couple of months to nearly full size. He said that aside from the tumors, the rest of my liver appears healthy. He will also be able to use radio ablation during the operation if any other small tumors are found when they go in. My gall bladder will also be removed during surgery.
This is good news, but it's also a lot to take in. Again, it's a strange thing to be really excited about. Hopefully, I'll be able to set a surgery date tomorrow. I'll let you know...

Friday, August 10, 2007

Weekend at the Beach

Christian and I are taking off today for a long weekend at VA Beach with family. It will be very nice to get away and to spend time with lots of family. We are both looking forward to this much needed vacation. Hopefully it won't be quite so hot over the weekend...
I have been continuing to feel better each day, though my energy is still relatively low, my spirits are very high.
Have a great weekend!!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Rough Week

Hi Everyone!!!!
I'm sorry for taking so long to post another blog, but it has been a really tough week for me. I was feeling pretty sick and miserable until today. I'm starting to feel better today and I'm regaining my appetite slowly. Our AC decided to finally shut down on Friday night, so I spent the past several days camped out on the couch in the basement. We have a new AC unit now and it is much more comfortable in the rest of the house.
I will go in on Tuesday the 14th for my next set of CT scans, and then I will have my consult with the liver surgeon on Wednesday the 15th. And then I guess the next course of action will be decided...
I spent the day at my parents house enjoying their AC while mine was being fixed, but it was the first time I had ventured out of the house since Thursday...Wow is it hot and oppressive out there. I definitely have absolutely no tolerance for the heat!!!!
Take care!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Wiped Out but Done With Round 6

I arrived home around 6 pm this evening and am quite exhausted. I feel like I need to go into hibernation for a week to recover from this fatigue. I will try to regain my strength by sleeping lots and eating as I am able. I handled this round ok, but I definitely felt more wiped out than during previous rounds. I will post again soon...

Monday, July 30, 2007

Monday Blues

We are coming to the end of my sixth treatment which has been relatively uneventful. According to hospital lingo that is a good thing. I am getting ready for one more round of biochemo today. The IL2 will finish sometime tomorrow afternoon, I'll receive 2 shots and then be discharged if everything goes as planned. Thanks to all of you for your continued well-wishes and prayers.

Love, Erica

Friday, July 27, 2007

Back on 5D

My Mom and I arrived in Baltimore around 3pm yesterday. I began my IV pre-hydration last evening and I'm getting ready to start the actual treatment in about an hour. As always I'm a little anxious and nervous about starting. Thankfully, I have family here with me to help me get through this round of treatment.


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Getting Ready for Round 6

I received a call from the hospital last night saying there are several beds available and scheduling me to come in at 3pm today. This is a know ahead of time that I will actually be going to the hospital today.
I can't say that I'm excited to begin Round 6, but it will be good to get it over with.
As always, I do have email access in my hospital room, so feel free to send posts during the next several days. Assuming things go as before, I should be discharged on Tuesday, July 31st.
I will keep you updated as I am able.
Take care and please keep sending positive thoughts my way as I get ready for this next round.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I just wanted to write a quick little note to let you know that I'm continuing to feel great and I'm enjoying my time before I begin my next treatment.
The weather has been quite comfortable over the past few days, which makes it easier to get out of the house and get things done, or just sit outside and enjoy.
I am still on the schedule to go back in on Thursday the 26th, but as always I won't know for sure until I get the call...
Take care!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Happy Friday!!! I'm enjoying my time at home and getting out and doing things. I've been going into Christian's shop some to help out and spend some time with Cory. I was hoping to get a few hours in at work, except it's a little slow right now...kind of typical of the summer.
As of right now, I have a consultation scheduled with the liver surgeon on August 15th and will probably have my CT scan done around the same time. I'm continuing to feel quite well and I must say that it's really nice having an extra week at home before my next treatment.
Have a great weekend!!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A Little More Time at Home

I had an appointment with my oncologist today. I am scheduled to return to the hospital for my 6th biochemo session on July 26th. He wanted me to have an extra week to recover before beginning treatment. He said he thought my body would handle the treatment better with a little extra recovery time secondary to the cumulative effects of treatment. I will then have scans about two weeks after the treatment finishes.
Once we know the results of the scans, then we will decide upon further treatment. I have not seen the liver surgeon yet...either sometime during my hospital stay or shortly after I should be able to get the consult completed.
I feel very encouraged about the progress that I have made and the long way I have come since February. Though it will be difficult to go back in for another treatment, I know that I will recover and that it's for a good outcome.
Thanks for continuing to keep up with me and for your positive thoughts, prayers and encouragement!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Thanks for all of your notes of encouragement. It is definitely a new experience having a shaved head. I'm feeling really great and keeping my spirits up. It's awesome to be able to check my blog and have so many comments that are all so positive and inspirational. I feel like quite the trendsetter...if only Brittany hadn't beaten me to it.
It's been stormy for the past two days, but for some reason, the rain doesn't seem to hit my front garden. I'm really disappointed, because I hate watering in this heat. I guess I had better suck it up and get out there soon or I won't have any plants or flowers left.
I am scheduled to see my oncologist next Tuesday and then I suspect I'll begin my 6th treatment sometime towards the end of next week. I finally have a consult to see the liver surgeon, Dr. Choti, at the end of this month, so hopefully that will work out. It's always a little hard waiting and not knowing what's next, but I guess I'm getting used to it.
Take care!!!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Hi everyone!!!!
Christian and I spent the weekend in Ocean City. I was able to spend some time relaxing at the beach (under an umbrella, a hat and wearing lots of sunblock). It was nice to get out of town for the weekend, though it was a short trip. I am feeling much better this week.
I had Christian shave my head last week since my hair was continuing to fall out after my last treatment. I now have a kind of GI Jane look when I'm around the house. It really feels so much better to have my head shaved. When I go out of the house I either wear a scarf or my wig. My wig fits better now that my head is shaved. I must say that it really is kind of fun to have a new look (or a couple of different looks).
Take care!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July!!!!

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy and Safe 4th of July. Christian and I made it out to a BBQ with friends this afternoon. We'll be resting at home quietly this fireworks this year.
Sorry I haven't posted in a week, it's been a little rough the past several days, but I'm feeling better today and expect to continue to regain my strength.
Take care!!!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Back Home

I finished my treatment this afternoon, received my last 2 injections and my mom and I left the hospital a little after 2 pm. We stopped for a nice, late lunch on the way home and then I pretty much crashed on the sofa when we arrived at my house. I'll be recovering at home for the next several days with the help of family and friends.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Round 5 Day 3

Well, I'm hanging in here. I had a shower this morning and then a very sleepy morning. I think the medications made me quite drowsy. I was able to wake up a bit this afternoon and went for another walk on the treadmill for about 30 minutes. I'm feeling a bit tired again, but otherwise day 3 has been rather uneventful.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Round 5 Day 1 completed

One day down and I'm getting ready for the next treatment with my prehydration. Amidst N V and D, I also did a lot of sleeping yesterday... This morning Christian and I woke up early and I was able to get on the treadmill for about 24 minutes, while I'm still feeling ok.
4 more days to go...

Friday, June 22, 2007

Beginning Round 5

Well, I didn't make it to the hospital yesterday...however, I just received word that there is a bed available today, so I'll be heading up to Johns Hopkins shortly to begin round 5.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Still on hold

No beds were available today, so I'm still waiting at home. The good thing is that I get to feel well for another day. Perhaps I'll be heading up to Baltimore tomorrow. We'll see...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Hopeful for tomorrow

Just wanted to send out a quick note to let everyone know that I got bumped today. Hopefully I'll be able to get in tomorrow.
I'll let you know...

Monday, June 18, 2007

Gearing Up for Round 5

Just wanted to let everyone know that I had a great weekend celebrating my news and spending quality time with family. I am gearing myself up for my return to the hospital tomorrow.
I saw my doctor today and he was so pleased with the results I've had from treatment. We're going to maximize the benefits of the biochemotherapy by doing two more rounds and then repeat scans of my liver. I am supposed to have a surgical consult sometime in the very near future...perhaps during my hospital stay if possible. Because the tumors are all on one side of my liver, it seems that surgery may be a plausible option. Obviously, the smaller the tumors, the less liver that has to be cut out. It's still a waiting game at this point, but it seems that we're on the right track. Considering I had about a 40 percent chance that there would be some shrinkage of my tumors when we initially started treatment, I am really feeling positive and encouraged by the most recent results.
Again, thanks for your continued encouragement and support. It's so wonderful to know that I have so many people out there routing and praying for me.
I'll let you know if I get a hospital room tomorrow.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Great News!!!

I haven't been this excited or felt this good in a long time. My doctor called me this afternoon to tell me that the tumors in my liver are getting smaller!!! They are shrinking!!! I wasn't expecting to get the results until Monday, so it was a very unexpected surprise. I'm going to have to do some celebrating. I am so happy to be able to share this news with everyone!
My brother Todd and his family are all coming up tonight for a weekend visit and I am looking forward to spending lots of time with them. Christian and I are going to host a Father's Day BBQ at our house with my family and his family. It should be lots of fun!
I am still scheduled to see Dr. Sharfman (my oncologist) on Monday afternoon and then he wants me to begin Round #5 of biochemotherapy on Tuesday pending bed availability in the hospital. I will do at least one more round after that and then probably more scans.
It makes it a little easier to go back to the hospital knowing that the treatment is working.
I went into work for a few hours yesterday afternoon and as always it was great to treat patients and to have the energy to do it. I went to pick up my new wig right before work and decided to go ahead and wear it for the rest of the afternoon. It was definitely a different feeling, but kind of fun!
I'll try to get some pictures taken this weekend, so everyone can see.
Have a great weekend and feel free to join me in celebrating my good news!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Monday Update

Christian and I had a nice weekend spending time with friends and family. We were able to do a little gardening on Saturday. Though I am feeling better, Christian did most of the work. I get pretty tired in the heat and squatting and kneeling are surprisingly difficult activities. I do hope to be able to get a little more done this week...

On Wednesday, I will go up to Johns Hopkins Hospital to have another CT scan done and then I will return to see Dr. Sharfman on Monday the 18th for the results and to see what's next. We're hoping that I will continue with 2 more rounds of treatment because that means the tumors are shrinking. Kind of a strange thing to be hopeful for...

My hair has been continuing to thin, so I went last Thursday and got a very short cut. It is much easier to deal with and feels much better. Though my hair is very thin (it feels like baby hair), the short cut seems to work for now... I just have to make sure to keep my head covered if I'm outside for any length of time. I also went to the Positive Reflections Center at Fairfax Hospital and had a wig consultation. I decided to go ahead and get a wig, not knowing what will happen with my hair. I decided that it would be nice to have options and maybe fun to have a different kind of look. We'll see...

Thanks for continuing to check my blog and for thinking of me.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Recovery Week

Well, I've been spending the last week at home recovering...It always seems to take me about a week to get back on track. I am regaining my energy and my appetite. It is a little boring being at home so much, but as I feel better, I'll be able to get out and do more.
I'm waiting to find out what happens next...
Will keep you posted as I know more.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Chemo Schmemo

The past couple days since I returned home from the hospital have been a little rough... I really haven't bee able to keep anything down. I'm hoping for much better success with that today. I seem to be feeling a little better this morning!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


The last bag of IL2 just finished dripping, so I have been disconnected. I have two more shots to get and then I'll be DCed from the hospital. Looking forward to heading home, though I am feeling tired and fatigued. Thanks for keeping up with me during my 4th hospital stay.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Beginning Day 3 of Round 4

So far, this stay has been relatively uneventful. I have been tired, had some chills and a few spells of N, V and D, but not too bad overall. My parents and Christian have been here with me since I came up on Friday evening. I have received a few other visitors as well. Kristina and Rolando came up on Sunday night and Janna and Cory came to visit this afternoon. It's been nice to hang out and I have been feeling well enough to chit chat. I completed my second knitting project (another scarf) and taught my sister a few of the basics as we began working on a third scarf together. I should be finishing with my treatment sometime on Wednesday and then hopefully home to recover after that... I'll keep you posted!!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

In the hospital

Finally, we made it to Baltimore on Friday night and we were treated to a nice fireworks display over at the harbor which we watched from the room view. So far things are going well. I have finished one day of treatment and am working on the next. I have been taking lots of naps and getting around some. Christian and my mom and dad have been up hear keeping me company. I just got back fro a walk on the treadmill (about 25min). Though I'm sleepy and having some N V and D and the chills, overall things aren't too bad.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Finally, a Bed!

After a long week of waiting and getting bumped each day, I finally got the call this afternoon that there is a bed available. Shortly, I will be heading up to Baltimore to begin Round 4. Traffic should be fun!!! I will try and post over the weekend to let you know how things are going.
Have a great Memorial Weekend everyone!!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Waiting Game

Well, I didn't go to the hospital today. Unfortunately there were no beds available. I am awaiting a call tomorrow to see when I will be admitted. Other than that, all is going well. I'm enjoying this period where I'm really feeling quite good.
I'll keep you updated.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Not Going Yet

Hi everyone.
I'm still at home. I just found out that I won't be going to the hospital today as there aren't any beds available. I am on the schedule for tomorrow, but it's still a waiting game.
I don't know whether to be excited or bummed about not going today. It's kind of a strange thing...
I guess I'll just have to relax a little more and get outside to enjoy the beautiful afternoon we're having.
I'll keep you posted...

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Packing Up

I received a call from the shift coordinator this morning confirming my reservations for a return stay at the hospital tomorrow. As of right now it looks fairly promising that there will be a bed available tomorrow afternoon, however, I won't know for sure until mid-morning. It's hard to think about going back, but I know it's something I have to do and I'll try to stay positive about it.
It was nice to have such a beautiful weekend to spend with family and friends. I spent some time outside enjoying the weather, because once I start my treatment, I can't leave the oncology ward. I hope everyone else is getting outside and enjoying themselves.
Until tomorrow,

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Enjoying Each Day

I thought I would share some pictures from my last stay at the hospital. My dad was nice enough to document my stay and the visit with my brother and his family on camera. Though they couldn't come to my room to visit, I was able to visit with my nieces and nephews in the waiting room area. Todd has made it up to visit me each time I have been in the hospital. Though I haven't always been in my best form when he's come, it has been really nice!!
I found out that I will be going back on Monday May 21st to begin Round 4 of biochemotherapy (pending bed availability).
I have really been feeling great this past week, and getting out and doing more things. I went into work for a couple of hours today. I must say that I have the best co-workers around. They make it so easy for me to come back in and pick things back up like I never left.
I'm looking forward to a fun weekend hanging out with friends and family before I have to venture back to the hospital. My younger brother, Cory, is home from college for the summer and working at Christian's shop. It will be nice to have him around this summer and to be able to spend some time with him!
As always, thanks for reading.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Working Girl

Thanks for your continued postings!!! It's so great to hear from so many of you!!!
I went into work this afternoon and I saw 5 patients. It was so nice to get back in there and treat patients again. My energy level was good and I didn't seem to have any trouble making it through the afternoon. I will go back in for a couple of hours on Thursday afternoon.
I've even been feeling strong enough to get out and do some weeding and tree trimming in my front garden. But, wow, I must say that weeding is hard and tedious work.


Friday, May 11, 2007

Trying New Things

Hello Everyone!!!
I have been regaining my strength and energy over the past several days and am feeling much better. One of Janna's friends (Jen, from Maine)sent me a nice care package providing me with the instructions and tools to knit a scarf. So, yesterday I began trying to learn how to knit. It didn't go so hot yesterday, as I have never tried knitting before. However, after a video google search (at Kelly's suggestion), I have started to learn the basics and am now on my way to knitting a skinny scarf. It is actually quite fun!!
Christian and I joined Sandra and Sohel yesterday evening to watch their brother Adel's soccer game. Annandale tied Lake Braddock in overtime!
It was a great game to watch and Adel had an awesome game.
My plan is to work a couple of half days next week. I'm really looking forward to going into work.
My parents are picking Cory up from college today. It will be nice to have him around for the summer!!
I will probably be returning to the hospital sometime during the week after next to begin Round 4, but I don't have a set date yet.
Take care!!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Continuing to Recover

Sorry that I haven't posted in several days. I just haven't felt like being on the computer. I had been feeling pretty fatigued and just kind of lousy. I think that I'm starting to come out of that slump now.
I have been spending most of my time reading, resting and quietly visiting with friends and family.
Today I feel that I finally have the energy to go out and take a walk around my neighborhood. Christian and I went out for a short walk last evening which was chilly, but nice. The weather has really been quite beautiful and breezy over the past several days.
Thanks again for your continued postings of care, concern and encouragement!!

Thursday, May 3, 2007


Well, I must say that the fatigue is back, which is normal. I had a doctor's appointment today and had bloodwork done. It looks like my blood counts are already back on the rise, which means I should start to regain my strength soon.

As the nurse practitioner put it, I am really handling these "supersonic" treatments quite well...though it doesn't always feel like it. Somehow I still have my hair (though it's thinning) which seems a bit of a surprise considering I just finished my third round.

I also wanted to share the couple of good benefits that I am having from the treatments: my fingernails are stronger and longer than ever before; and although dry, my skin is virtually acne free. Who knew about the wonders of chemotherapy?!?!? I guess you can always find something positive...


Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Home Again

After a late afternoon discharged, Erica has returned home from her 3rd treatment. She is healin g, resting and recovering. She handled the treatment fairly well but is a little wiped out from the last few days.


Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sunday, Round 3, Day 3

My stay here has been relatively uneventful, which is a good thing according to the doctors. On Friday after a bout of N&V, they gave me strong medication which knocked me out for the rest of the day. I must say that day went by very quickly for me.

Yesterday was a good day I felt strong and alert the entire day. I had enough energy to walk the treadmill twice for 15 minutes each. My older brother came up with my nieces and nephews. We had a short but very sweet visit in the lobby. They went to the aquarium without me!!

Today has been a little more of an off and on day. I woke up feeling well considering the circumstances. However, after taking a hot shower I became tired and nauseated. Nurse Jenny came to the rescue with medication which settled me and I enjoyed a nice long nap.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to your comments and messages

Love, Erica

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Back in Baltimore

Just wanted to let everyone know that I have returned to Johns Hopkins for round 3 of biochemotherapy. I am receiving IV fluids tonight and will begin the treatment some time tomorrow morning.

My mom and I ventured here through major rush hour traffic. After 2 and 1/2 looong hours, we arrived safely.


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Getting Ready for Round 3

Hello everyone!!
It's been a great week so far. I went into work for a half day on both Monday and Wednesday this week. It was such an awesome feeling to be back at work!!! I felt like my normal self. It was great to see my coworkers and to work with patients. I've always liked my job, so it was nice to get in there and remember why.
I am waiting for a call from the hospital to let me know that there is a bed available for me to begin my next round of treatment. I should be going in either tomorrow (the 26th) or on Friday (the 27th). I will be receiving the same treatment as the last two rounds. This includes 2 biotherapy meds (IL2 and interferon) and 3 chemotherapy drugs (Dacarbazine, cisplatin and vinblastin).
I can't really say that I am excited to go back, but I guess I am anxious to get it over with and to keep things going. It's hard to return knowing that I'm about to start feeling crummy all over again, but I know that I will get through it and that I will recover. It definitely helps to know that I have the support of so many people and that so many are sending positive thoughts my way and keeping me in their prayers. Thanks to everyone who posts messages for me to read and also to all of you who read my blog to keep updated. Your care and concern is most appreciated!

Monday, April 23, 2007


Finally, we have Spring. I hope everyone was able to get out and enjoy the nice weather this weekend. I was able to get some gardening done with the help of my friend Rosa (she did most of the planting). I had a great weekend, spent with family and celebrating my mom's birthday.

On Thursday, the tree service came and cut down the tree that was leaning against the back of our house. There's some damage to the gutter, the siding, the fence and the deck, but it doesn't look like anything major.

I am actually going to work a half day this afternoon and also on Wednesday afternoon. I have been feeling great and am bored, so it will be a nice change to go into work for a few hours.

I also goofed with my dates in the last tentative hospital return date is for Thursday April 26th (not the 27th).

Until the next posting...

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Here's the Scoop

First, I want to start off by saying that I have really been feeling great for the past few days. Today I went for an hour long (leisurely) walk around the lake in my neighborhood with Sohel (Christian's youngest brother).

I saw Dr. Sharfman today and found out that my tumors have stopped growing which is good considering how fast they were growing before the treatment. The ascites (fluid in my abdomen) has gone away. The tumors have not begun shrinking yet, but we're hopeful that they will begin shrinking with subsequent sessions of treatment. Dr. Sharfman is debating on continuing with the same biochemotherapy regimen or switching to a new regimen of high dose Interleukin 2 (one of the biotherapy meds that I have been getting already). He will present my case on Tuesday morning to a group of experts (including Dr. Balch, my original melanoma surgeon) and decide then.
I will definitely be going back to the hospital the end of next week to begin the 3rd session of treatment (one of the above). I have a "reservation" for Thursday April 27th which will depend on bed availability. After I complete my 4th session, I will return for scans to see what progress has been made.
So, there's the latest...not bad news, but not as great as we were hoping for. Hopefully the tumors will have begun shrinking by the next scan.

Thanks for keeping up with me and for your continued postings and feedback.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Books, Movies and Crossword Puzzles

I have been spending most of my time reading, watching movies and doing easy crossword puzzles. I'm feeling great, but don't have the stamina to do much else. I wish the weather would hurry up and get nice, so I could spend more time outside.
On Sunday night, I was awakened by a big pine tree falling against the back of our house. It's quite amazing when you look outside the windows. All you see is branches. The tree was uprooted and fell against our house. There doesn't appear to be much damage, but it is bizarre to have an entire tree leaning against your house. I think the HOA will cover tree removal as the tree was in a common area. I'm just waiting to find out when...

I went for my scans yesterday and will return to see Dr. Sharfman on Thursday. As always, waiting is difficult.

I will keep you posted. Thanks for all of your continued responses and comments!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

New Hairdo

Check out the pictures to your left. After multiple requests and finding my camera, here's a look at my new easy to manage locks. Enjoy!!

Hanging Out

Sorry that I haven't posted in the past couple of days. I have been recovering very nicely and seem to have regained my energy a little faster after this second round of treatment than after the first. The side effects are relatively minor this time.
My friend Mary (whom I have known since seventh grade), has been visiting for the past couple days. It's been awesome having her here and we have really enjoyed catching up, hanging out and eating.
I will post a picture as soon as I can find my digital camera to take one!
Hopefully by tomorrow.

Sunday, April 8, 2007


Just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy Easter!!!
Christian and I spent a very nice, but low key day with family and friends in Arlington. It was nice to get out of the house for a change.
I still get fatigued rather quickly, but am gradually regaining my strength each day.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Recovering, Yet Again

I haven't posted in the past couple of days because I have been spending most of my time sleeping. Today I have a little more energy, though I must say I'm not ready to resume the treadmill quite yet.
I went to the doctor's today. They said my blood counts look great and that I'm really tolerating the treatments. I will go for a repeat scan on Monday April 16th and then meet with Dr. Sharfman on the 19th to discuss the scan and further treatment.
I will probably spend the next few days resting quietly at home and gradually resuming my walks as I am able.
By the way, my sister took me to get a haircut on Tuesday afternoon. It hasn't been this short since high school, but it's much more manageable.
Thanks for your continued postings. As always, I love reading them and they keep me encouraged!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Home Again

Yesterday afternoon, Erica was discharged and is back home. She continues to rest (still fatigued) and work through some of the expected side effects from the treatments.


Saturday, March 31, 2007


Now on her 3rd day of treatment, Erica is a little fatigued today. She was able to get on the treadmill this morning for about 10 minutes, so she is happy about that. Although, yesterday she outdid herself and was able to get on the treadmill 2 times for 15 minutes each.

She was very happy to see her older brother Todd today, who came up from North Carolina to run in the Cherry Blossom Run tomorrow with his high school friend Henry. Even tired, Erica was able to give Todd a few pointers for his first 10 miler.

Erica says thank you to everyone for their continued well wishes and truly appreciates all the thoughts and prayers and postings on the blog.


Friday, March 30, 2007


Round 2, Day 2. Erica feels good for spells (including a walk on the treadmill this morning) and feels tired and nauseous for spells (napping likely this afternoon). All in all - a good day.

At this point in this course of treatment, Erica seems to feel better in the mornings and early part of the day. If you plan to visit this weekend, please feel free to check with Judy beforehand (703 906 6118) to see if Erica is feeling up to company. Erica really appreciates and enjoys visiting with everyone, but doesn't want anyone to travel to Baltimore just to watch her sleep:)


Thursday, March 29, 2007

Round 2

I just spoke briefly with Judy and Erica. Erica (and Christian) rested well at the hospital last night and Erica started her second series of treatment this morning. Erica is "super tired" and taking-up frequent napping again:) Art and Judy are with her and have reserved a local room to stay in Baltimore while she is in treatment. Christian will stay at the hospital with Erica and continue to zip back to work to handle jobs during the day. Tentatively, it looks like Erica will be in the hospital through Monday or Tuesday of next week.


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The wait is over...on the road

Thankfully the wait is over. I just got a call that Erica and Christian are getting on the road to Baltimore to begin Session 2 of her biochemotherapy.


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

And We Wait a Little Longer

I am still waiting to begin round 2. There weren't any beds open today. I should get a call sometime mid morning tomorrow to let me know if any beds have opened up.
The good news is that I got to enjoy the good weather today. I spent time sitting outside and went on 2 long leisurely walks (with sunblock on, of course).
I will keep updating as I know more.


Monday, March 26, 2007

Just Waiting

I just wanted to let everyone know that I am awaiting a call from the hospital shift coordinator to find out if there is a bed open for me. I'm supposed to start my next round on Tuesday, but if no beds are available, then I will get bumped to Wednesday. It makes it a little hard for planning purposes, but hopefully I'll know something soon.

I just finished reading Lance Armstrong's book It's Not About the Bike, My Journey Back to Life. Skib, one of my coworkers had given me this book to read. Thanks Skib. It is a truly inspirational, honest and open book about his struggles being diagnosed, undergoing treatment, recovering from treatment and becoming a cancer survivor. Though it was difficult for me to read at times because much of it paralleled my thoughts and emotions over the past several weeks, it also captured me. I became so engaged in reading and wanting to relate and to understand his experiences. This book has also given me a sense of how treatment will be and some of the struggles I will go through as well as some of the things that I will have to work to overcome. It was a great, but emotionally tough read.
Thanks to everyone for continuing to keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I will let you know as soon as I know more about my next course of treatment.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Beautiful Day

Thanks everyone for your continued messages. I have had a great past 2 days even though I seem to have a little bit of a cold. I went for a nice walk outside today. It's absolutely gorgeous out!!! I also managed to work up the energy to go by my work today. It was so refreshing to see everyone there, and to know that so many people are behind me as I go through the next round of treatment.
I also wanted to let everyone know that not only did Christian and I have a nice anniversary, but we were able to enjoy the most delicious Tres Leches cake ever. Our dear friend Star made it for us and brought it to our house on Monday morning so we could indulge later that day.
I don't know, maybe she has a second career in baking...

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Pictures from my hospital stay

I thought I would share some pictures with everyone from my hospital stay. There were many more pictures, but for some reason the page wouldn't accept them...some kinks I guess I have to figure out.
So look to the left and enjoy.
Thanks again to my many visitors who gave me tons of encouragement and pepped me up!!! And to everyone else for your continued support and positive thoughts. I know I have the strength to get through this!!!

A Great Anniversary

Thanks to all of you who wished us a Happy 1st Anniversary. Christian and I had a wonderful day even though it was low key. We made it out to dinner for the early bird special.

I have been feeling stronger every day, though I still have bouts of tiredness and fatigue. After talking with my medical oncologist, it looks like I have a tentative reservation with Johns Hopkins Hospital for Tuesday March 27th to begin my next series of biochemotherapy. The actual start time is dependent on a bed being open to accommodate me...


Monday, March 19, 2007

First Anniversary

Erica is tired today but feeling well and in great spirits. Erica was out this morning with Judy for some blood work and then had a walk to the mailbox to enjoy the spring-like sun (but bundled up against the winter-like temperature). Today's weather is similar to the weather last March 19 (sunny but brisk), which as mentioned in some of the postings, was Erica and Christian's wedding day. To celebrate their first anniversary, Erica says they are going to sneak out for an early-bird dinner. Congratulations and love to the happy couple.


Saturday, March 17, 2007

Up and Moving ...a little faster than a snail's pace

I am regaining my energy everyday. I also seem to have regained my appetite!!!! Christian and I joined his brother Sohel, my parents and Janna at IHOP this morning for quite a breakfast. It was nice to be out, though I was ready for a nap by the end of breakfast. I try to go on short walks everyday and may opt for a stroll on the treadmill this afternoon because of the cold weather.
Thanks for your continued messages, they help keep me going strong!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A Heartfelt Thank You from Erica

Thank you to everyone for your continued thoughts, prayers, words of encouragement, wonderful gifts of flowers, drinks, food, Mrs. Potato Head, playdough, offers of time, soccer bear and of course visits. Your continued support is trully appreciated and welcomed.

My appetite is slowly coming back and so I am regaining some strength here and there (I can't wait to get on the treadmill and start building back muscle...but that will be a while).

Once again thank all of you for everything!



Erica is unfortunately still very fatigued today, but we did get out for a walkabout around her complex. She complained it was almost too hot outside, until the nice breeze helped cool her down.

Just a reminder that this Monday, March 19th will be Erica and Christian's 1st Wedding Anniversay :). Hard to believe it has already been a year! I know Erica will be looking forward to some tres leches cake!


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Sleeping Beauty

I spoke with Judy this morning and she said that sleeping beauty was resting downstairs on the couch. Erica had a good morning but still tires quickly. Today's plans include a short walk outside in the great weather. Yesterday's tests went well and the results looked good. When Erica got back from the doctor's office yesterday, there was a package waiting for her (she said it was the sweestest package) from her soccer teammates. Overall, Erica is in good spirits.


Monday, March 12, 2007

Still tired, but staying strong

This weekend was a little rough on Erica, although she was able to get out Friday night to see the last bit of her soccer team's game and then Saturday she was able to venture out to a birthday party. She enjoyed seeing everyone and the outings helped her spirit, although they did tire her out a bit physically.

Erica is on her way to a scheduled doctor's appointment in Baltimore today (no treatments, just a few standard tests). She is still very fatigued, but is working hard to rest up and regain her strength.


Saturday, March 10, 2007

Smiles and Happy Thoughts

Erica is enjoying being home, although she still does not have a lot of energy. She is thankful for all the wonderful postings on the blog as we continue to update her and read them to her. All of them put a smile on her face! She has a slightly better appetite, but still is taking it slowly and drinking tons of Green Tea and Vitamin Water!

Keep up the happy thoughts and postings so she can continue smiling and fighting to get better!


Friday, March 9, 2007

Clap your hands

Happy to be home.
Happy to be in her own bed.
Happy to have family and friends close by.

Today, Erica is feeling less sick but still fatigued. She tires easily and does not have much of an appetite. Having said that - she is enthusiastic about all these postings about homemade meals:) That makes her happy, too. Let's say, this weekend, a few more days of quiet, rest and restoration, and next week, provided she has more energy and appetite, visitors to amuse her and homemade goodness to nourish her (please coordinate with Christian or Judy first lest she be inundated or indisposed).

Today, I've opted for a song that may be more familiar than the previous ditty...

If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it.
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.


Thursday, March 8, 2007

Happy to be Home!

I just spoke with Erica and she is happy to be home and in familiar surroundings. She still fatigues easily (especially with having to navigate stairs in her house).

Her plan is to be able to have more visitors next week as she grows stronger and her appetite for food increases, so watch the blog for more information!


Wednesday, March 7, 2007

On the Road

As of about 45 minutes ago, my parents were driving Erica down 95 on the way to Fairfax!

Way to go Erica!


Home Sweet Home

As of 9:30 this morning, the doctors are planning to release Erica this afternoon to return home to Fairfax. This morning because of being released, she was able to get up and go down to the Lobby floor of the Weinberg building with Christian for coffee (Erica did not have any, but Christian I am sure did!).

Erica will still need to regain her strength physically (we all know mentally and emotionally she is super strong :)!), so please coordinate with Christian and her family before visiting. Any changes or updates, we will let you know as soon as we know.


Tuesday, March 6, 2007

afternoon walkabout & 50 cent

Yesterday afternoon, Erica was feeling well enough for a short walkabout and then she had a mostly restful night. Today, she is having a quiet morning recooperating. The effects of the treatment are cumulative - so the end of the cycle is a little more challenging than the beginning. But she is nearly through with the first session of treatment (which ends this evening) and then the doctors (who, as well as the nursing staff, have all been fantastic) will make a determination on when she'll go home (likely by the end of this week).

So, a little unrestrained joy, to celebrate the end of the first treatment, in the words of the lyrical singer/songwriter 50 cent...

Go, go, go, go, go, go
Go, [Erica]
It's your [last day of treatment]
We gon' party like it's your [last day of treatment] ... :)

As always - thanks to everyone for all the support - it means so much to Erica and Christian and their families.


Monday, March 5, 2007

Update from Erica (via Janna)

Hi Everyone! I want to thank you for your continued thoughts, prayers and love sent my way. I had a little bit of a rough evening last night and this morning, but seem to be feeling a little better this afternoon. I am looking forward to tomorrow evening at 9 pm when this first session of biochemotherapy finishes. I should be going home somewhere between Wednesday and Friday, where I will be recouperating for about 3 weeks until I return for my second session.

Thanks for all my wonderful visitors, all the messages, cards, and flowers (though I can only see the flowers for a brief moment - my Dad is taking wonderful pictures of the flowers for viewing later).

Love to all and thank you for keeping me in your hearts, thoughts and prayers.


Sunday, March 4, 2007

Third Day of Treatment - Update

Thank you to all the visitors who came to see Erica this weekend as well as all the comments, thoughts and prayers for all those who are not in the area to see her in person.

This Sunday evening as Erica begins her 3rd day of treatment, normal and expected side effects, mainly flu like symptoms have started effecting her. She is still her normal, strong self, just a little more tired. Erica, Christian and her family ask that anyone planning to visit her in the next couple of days try to coordinate with Christian and her family before coming as she is starts tiring more easily.

She is thankful for the several really good days and wonderful visits with family and friends and hopes to get back on track soon. Please continue to post messages as you can, as she loves reading them or having them read to her.


sohel post while visiting

Hi erica it's Sohel, get well soon.were all praying for you.the whole family says hello and hopes you get better.

Indirect Update - via Kelly

Good Sunday Morning from the hospital. Good news! Erica is looking and feeling great (so is Christian:)). Erica slept well last night and is really handling the bio/chem therapy well -- take that bum liver! Today's agenda includes: visits with family and friends, small liquid meals and a shower - with a new hair do (regrettably without star stylist Star's assistance).

See previous posting for Erica's Saturday message.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Direct update by Erica

Hi everyone i am finally alert enough to read your messages and to send a response via my darling dear husband Christian it has been a tough 2 weeks. In the hospital and a tough week before that trying to figure out what is going on. I want to thank all of you for your kind words, thoughts, prayers and inspiration.
It means so much to me, Christian and the rest of our families to have all of you behind us, supporting us, encouraging us and loving us.
I probably have one of the hardest journeys in my life ahead of me but I know that I will remain strong and I will persevere because of all the love I have behind me.
Erica 03-03-2007 (3:35 pm)

Treatment Started

Last night about 9:00 pm, Erica's first round of biochemotherapy. So far, so good. When I checked in this morning, Erica was sleeping comfortably.


Friday, March 2, 2007

Lines All a Go

Erica has successfully received the Hickman line (IV line) and will start her therapy tonight. Send out all the luck, thoughts and prayers for her.


How can you help?

Many of you have written or expressed a wish to help Erica, Christian and
their families in any way, we thought of one way. As many of you know, Erica and Christian ran the Miami Marathon on January 28th with the National AIDS Marathon Training Program. They have raised a lot of money for the Whitman-Walker Clinic, but still need a little more to help them meet their goals and now with Erica's medical bills we want to give them a break as much as possible. So if you are able to donate even $5, please do so; Kelly has put the link to their marathon website at the bottom the of blog. Also, her doctor's told her the best thing she could have done was to run in the marathon as she is in great shape and this is going to help her as she undergoes her treatments.

The Next Stage - Biochemotherapy

Erica will start aggressive biochemotherapy today once they put in the PIC line (IV line for the biochemotherapy). She will receive the chemo for the next 4 days and then hopefully will be able to go home to rest and relax before her next round.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Visitors - additional info

One other piece of information in terms of visitors, unfortunately children under 12 are not allowed into the room with Erica.


5th Floor, Room 6

It has been a while since I have done any postings, so apologies for posting the last blog twice. Erica is actually in Room 6, Pavillion D (Mom's cell phone service is not very good). Again, she cannot receive fresh flowers or latex balloons. Silk flowers are allowed. As for visitors it does not look like there are any restrictions on hours, but all visitors will be required to wear masks. If you happen to have a cold, please wait until you are better to visit Erica.


Moving on up

Erica is now on the 5th floor of the Weinberg building, room 615, Pavillion D. Unfortunately she cannot receive flowers. We are not sure yet of the visiting hours, but I will update when we know more. Thankfully her embolization went well and they have stopped the bleeding, so now we are waiting for more information from the team of oncologists. On the 5th floor she will be more closely monitored by the medical oncologists so they can start looking at treatments. She did received the results of her PET scan and it looks like the only melanoma is on her liver, which is a relief. Erica's pain and discomfort has lessoned and this morning she was sitting up in a chair and able to move around a little more.

Erica, Christian and the rest of the Lipman/Lopez family say thank you to all of you for your wonderful thoughts and prayers. Please continue as Erica fights her uphill battle. The support of all of you is what will help her in the days to come.


Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Fourth Floor

Erica moved out of the ICU last night and back onto the fourth floor of the Weinberg building. She can receive flowers on four. PET-SCAN this morning. Hopefully, it is not long or too uncomfortable.


Tuesday, February 27, 2007


We learned last Thursday that Erica's melanoma (from the primary spot on her shoulder from 4 years ago) has likely metastasized onto her liver. After a bit of a run-around in her care, she was admitted into Johns Hopkins on Saturday and moved into the ICU on Monday as the doctors worked to stabilize her. By Monday night, Erica was comfortable and her pain was being managed. This afternoon, she had a procedure (an embolization) to stop the bleeding from one of the lesions in the liver. As soon as the liver hemorrhaging is stabilized, the doctors will develop a medical (not surgical) approach for tackling the melanoma, probably in the next week or so.


A blog, you say?

We created this space to support Erica, share information, cheer her on and remind her that we are all in this fight together.

Team Erica to Run/Walk with Melanoma International Foundation

A smaller Team Erica will head to Villanova, PA for Melanoma International Foundation's (MIF) Safe in the Sun Walk & 5K Run on April 5, 2009.

MIF will also honor Erica by rewarding the top female finisher with an award in Erica's name. Team Erica will be on hand to congratulate the winner.

Anyone is welcome to join Team Erica. For more information, visit:

Team Erica

Congratulations Team Run for Erica!

Team Run for Erica completed the Baltimore Relay Marathon on Saturday, October 11th. The team raised over $1000 for both melanoma organizations (Melanoma International Foundation and Melanoma Research Foundation).

Thank you Team Run for Erica on an awesome race and thank you to those who donated. Below are a few pictures of the team in action!

Team Run for Erica (minus Omar)

Omar getting ready to run

Mary, Chandra and Liz finish their 6 miles

Star and Christian run for the crowd

Tony and Jaime waving to the crowd

Team Run for Erica after the marathon (minus Jenny and Jaime)

Team Erica to run Baltimore Relay Marathon, October 11th

In Memory of Erica....

Baltimore Relay Marathon
Saturday, October 11, 2008, 8:00 AM

Team Erica relay runners: Christian, Chandra, Jason, Kelly, Jim, Liz, Tony, Mary, Jason, Jenny, Jaime, Omar, and Star are training together Sunday mornings.

What can you do?

Support the team members with lots of encouragement
Make a pledge to a runner or the whole team (donations will be sent to the Melanoma International Foundation)
Go to Baltimore on October 11 to cheer the team on.

Watch the blog for more information to come!!

Erica's Tree @ Upton Hill

Erica's Tree @ Upton Hill
Look how Erica's tree is growing and blooming!

Upton Hill Memorial to Erica

Upton Hill Memorial to Erica
Erica's crepe myrtle tree by the batting cages at Upton Hill Regional Park, Arlington, VA

Plaque dedicating tree in Erica's memory

Plaque dedicating the tree in Erica's memory

A week before admission to Hospice

A week before admission to Hospice
What a beautiful smile!

March 26: Liz, Star, Chandra, Erica and Kelly

March 26: Star, Chandra and Erica

March 12-13: Erica and Christian...check out those smiles!

With Uncle David

Dad, Mom, Erica, Megan, Heather, Chase and Uncle Bill